Hi guys! yes i'm alive shocking. I have received many messages asking if I am still active or to update my books.But unfortunately I am no longer going to be updating my books. The main reason if because I honestly don't stan BTS anymore, please don't hate me I'm not saying they're boring or don't deserve to be loved but I have just fallen out of interest and found interest in other things, please understand this.Another reason is because I honestly didnt even know where I was going with this story it was just too rushed and looking back it made no sense. Despite all this happening I am so thankful for everyone who has shown love and support to my book.I still cannot believe my first ever book has over 150k reads on it. I love all the comments you made and all the reactions to my book and I am so thankful for all of you. Well even though I may not be posting I'll still be back from time to time to answer any questions you have for me love you guys!! xoxo Maplesyroop