rest well jonghyun
you were strong
you did your best
good job
"shinee didnt lose a member they gained an angel"
my heart goes out to minho, taemin, onew, key, all the shawols, your family and your friends
jonghyun always spoke out in defense of minorities such as lgbt
he was never quiet about his mental health
he didnt hide behind a strong face
he let it be known because its nothing to be ashamed of
mental health is such a taboo topic in south korea and its so sad they have such a high suicide rate
lucifer is and always will be one of my favorite kpop songs
although i never got into shinee as much as i did with some other bands, i need to give them major credit for showing me the wonders of kpop
i remember watching a show called pop asia every weekend (i still do) back in 2012 and one of the main bands always mentioned was shinee and the fact that they are still going strong now makes me so happy
i dont know if the band will continue without jonghyun but either way i respect their choice
**if you are going through hard times, please know suicide is not the answer
it will get better and suicide will eliminate the chance of it ever getting better
remember you arent just killing yourself youre killing the people around you
if you or anyone you know is suicidal thebest thing to do is just talk
talk to family, friends, anyone
even if you think there is no one there always is
there are hotlines to call
you can even talk to fandoms on wattpad they are always happy to help
please you dont want to die you want the pain to stop
the pain can stop suicide isnt the only way**