
SUGURU GETO ATE WHEN HE SAID "An endless cycle of exorcism and consumption. Exorcise. Consume. It's a taste that nobody knows. The taste of a curse. Like ingesting a rag used to wipe up vomit. Exorcise. Consume. For whom? Ever since that day, it's been running through my head. What I saw was nothing out of the ordinary. A hideous evil, known to everyone. Knowing that full well, I chose to protect them as a jujutsu sorcerer. Don't lose your way. Follow through with your duty as a jujutsu sorcerer." te amo geto pls vuelve


SUGURU GETO ATE WHEN HE SAID "An endless cycle of exorcism and consumption. Exorcise. Consume. It's a taste that nobody knows. The taste of a curse. Like ingesting a rag used to wipe up vomit. Exorcise. Consume. For whom? Ever since that day, it's been running through my head. What I saw was nothing out of the ordinary. A hideous evil, known to everyone. Knowing that full well, I chose to protect them as a jujutsu sorcerer. Don't lose your way. Follow through with your duty as a jujutsu sorcerer." te amo geto pls vuelve


Lo peor de todo es que no puedo odiar a Rukpi, por más que vea sus tweets donde me tira mierda, me dice tonta, imbecil, sin cerebro, que le utilizo, que no le quiero HUH es la primera persona EN MI VIDA que me ha hecho llorar por eso. Y tiene el descaro de decirme "amistad" luego de decirme tonta en twitter omg kys plss que ganas de contarle a todos como nos insultas en tus redes Q HORROR?!?!?!?!