
WHY do i do this to myself. Finds a good book thats NOT EVEN DONE YET and binge reads it until i get to the end spot, and proceeds to have NO PATIENCE ON WANTING TO KNOW WHATS HAPPENING LMAO


To the user who commented at me bc they felt superior by stating they literally didn’t sleep in order to finish a series I chose to take time reading—-take care of your mental health :)))) sleep is necessary :)))) people also read at different times and I’m a 22 yr old adult with little to no free time due to my job. Thanks for pointing out how lazy you are and how much time you have though!!! Must be nice!!! 


I know I haven’t really updated a whole bunch load and I’m kinda sorry but not really. I’ve been taking time for myself and my grandmother passed on the 25th of October—four days before her birthday. Rest her soul..
          Have y’all checked out any other stories!? If you’re big in the YouTube community (specifically gamers) you’d like them maybe???????? Please give them a chance??.... 
          My life with Billie Joe is coming to an end soon; the next chapter or two maybe? If y’all have any suggestions for something you wanna see happen in that book let me know in a comment on a chapter!!  
          The years coming to an end and I’m hoping things turn around for the better!! 


UPDATE: I may delete my Green Day fanfiction because I don’t have any inspiration for it right now?? I’ll keep it up for now and see  I’ve updated MINE to now be called TORN; it’s getting pretty deep and I really really reccomend it if you like jacksepticeye or markiplier. 
          I’m trying guys I am lol jsksksks....


          I’m awful at just keeping an idea on here. When I lose my inspiration for a story or I start disliking where it’s
          Going I just delete it. Awful habit. I know. But the three stories I’m working on right now seem to be the strongest inspiration I’ve had in a while!! Still nothing BUT FANFICTION so I mean hey not a whole lot has really changed. But now it’s more fixated on markiplier and jacksepticeye  than Green Day so if you’re into YouTubers or werewolves or vampires, or antisepticeye or darkiplier, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF WATTPAD. GO READ MY STORIES. COMMENT. VOTE. ANYTHING PLEASE. 
          please go read my things lmao 


I love your "Paradise Is Were I Am" it's different from other books about Billie joe. That's a really good thing because your book is amazing and more people will want to read it because it is different! Good job and thank you for reading