I am a suspense writer who likes to put her characters through the wringer. My novels take place in locales across Europe and the United States, reflecting my international upbringing (the global traveler stint is always exhausting!).
I have a duology out, The Coin and The Book of Hours, and my characters, Gabriela and Richard, walk the same paths as 'moi,' though my life was never so fraught with danger.
I began my writing career circa age thirteen with a very juvenile science fiction short story, but the writing bug hit and I have been writing, in one capacity or another, ever since. I have also worked as a professional dancer, singer, journalist, and literature teacher (and not necessarily in that order - I love variety). I also hold a Masters in English literature.
Currently, I am working on my next novel, a Detective Nick Larson mystery, as well as a short story for a crime anthology, plus more short stories, which I will publish soon. Other than that, I love to hear from readers, continue to hone my craft by going to workshops, and tour to give readings/signings. Love readers.
Hope you enjoy my writing, and I am looking forward to your comments.
  • US
  • Дата регистрацииMarch 21, 2015


История от Maria Elena Alonso-Sierra
Jerry's Gift от mariaelenawrites
Jerry's Gift
Short story about comeuppance and unexpected remuneration.
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