this message may be offensive
I just wanted to let this out, you don't have to read it. I just don't know were to talk and it keeps piling up to me making me so much in pain and I just want this to stop. I always ask myself, wanted to know if I am a mistake in this f***ing life, to why I would experience this. It was always my fault my wrong, I am always the one who is in the wrong. I admit I have my own faults but i hope you admit it too, it wasn't always my fault and both of us knew that but you just don't want to admit. Always blaming me, trying to step on me, why are you doing this to me? I thought you're family but you are the first one to make me feel like sh*t.
That's why I am depress, I wanted to get out of this house because I knew whatever I do you will always see it as if it was always wrong. You got to be the right one, why? Just because your the oldest one between us? I admit the I am a hot tempered and sometime I don't respect you but isn't it also your fault? Your downgrading me, I always feel like i am nobody in this house that I need to move out because i don't have a place in here.Why?Why is this happening to me? Am I really a worthless lazy bitch to you? Fuck, I had to stop going to school for you because we don't have enough money for both of us but did you appreciate it? I sacrifice for you but you just blame me just because they keep comparing me to you but is it my fault? I'm not even the one who keeps comparing us, I don't even know what they see in me and in you but why aren't you listening to me.
I am tired and sometime I get this feeling that I want to die, I wanna be dead asking if you will be sad if you knew I am dead. There is so much suicidal thoughts in my head but I am also afraid because I I knew I didn't do yet my own purpose but I am losing my own soul because of this.Sorry, Sorry, I am that weak. I feel like shit, I can't tell anyone because they wouldn't understand me, i knew because I myself experienced how to be discriminated even when I tell my problem