
im sorry i know most of you will hate me for this but i decided to remove bad and badder.. ive come to this because its been months since ive last updated the chapters. whenever i would wanted to write i couldn't because of writers block, i didn't have any motivation, or i just lost interest in it. so again im sorry for you guys waiting for more and because i know alot of you really liked the story too. 


im sorry i know most of you will hate me for this but i decided to remove bad and badder.. ive come to this because its been months since ive last updated the chapters. whenever i would wanted to write i couldn't because of writers block, i didn't have any motivation, or i just lost interest in it. so again im sorry for you guys waiting for more and because i know alot of you really liked the story too. 


hey guys i just want to say im sorry that i haven't updated "his bad girl" for almost 2 months now.. i didn't forget about it, im just having really bad writers block right now. hopefully i can write again now and keep continuing the story. again im so sorry. 


hey guys so i have the next chapter of bad and badder all done and ready to post. just waiting for a couple more votes on the last chapter which i feel like its going to take forever. so basically im getting impatient and want to post soon.