
So my break was very short. I guess I like writing too much ahaha


I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I don't know if I could continue writing anymore. I really try not to compare myself to others on here. But it's hard. It's hard when I put effort into writing something and it barely gets any reads. It's hard having friends who instantly found fame on here. {No offense to anyone, I'm very proud of you}  I try to be patient. I really try. But it's hard to sit back and watch everyone around you succeed. The only reason I have low reads and votes is because my writing is terrible. There is no way to deny it. It sucks.
          I know I'm over reacting. And I also know that very few people will read this, and even fewer will care. I'm taking a break. I'm not sure how long it will be. It could just be a few days. It depends. Goodbye.


@Singoutlouise04 Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this little comment helped. And I do realize that fame isn't everything. Thank you for reassuring me when I needed it. ❤


I totally respect you, but listen here friend. Patience is key, yes. But sometimes fame isn't everything. Do you love to write? You have to learn how to find something you want to do for yourself, and only yourself. Not everyone can find instant fame. Sometimes, you have to work your way to the top, and that takes a long time. If you really don't enjoy writing anymore, that's okay. It's your life, not mine. I just want to let you know that I'm here for you on whatever path you take. Stay strong ❤️


Hey Marilyn! I'm one of Shelby's friends Erin. I really like your story with Antler and Aaron (sorry I forgot the title lol) your probably busy with school and other thing that's why you haven't updated but that's ok. You are very smart and very talented with that story and relatable with it too! keep goin girl! :)


@bowfreak23 Yeah I figured that out xD


Haha well still x3 I love it and idk why it says antler I ment Skyler haha embarrassing


You can either leave a positive or a negative mark on somebody's life. It's your decision what path you decide to take. But even if you think you're doing the right thing, you need to stop and really ask yourself if what you're doing is helping the world.