
@marilynmonrose Greetings, fellow earthling! No wait, wrong greeting. How are you doing on this very fine day, fellow acquaintance? Nope, that was wrong too. Hey there! Yeah, that's the right one. Firstly, I just wanted to start off by saying W - O - W. I love your username :)
          Secondly, I also just wanted to say, thank you so much for adding my story, 'Waffle Cones', to your reading list! I'm glad you find it rad [OHHHH, I CAN RHYME ANYTIME], and I hope you enjoy reading it! Or if you're already reading it, I hope you're enjoying reading it! 
          Yeah, I can English! Wait, no I can't. Dang it.
          Thanks again, and have a cinnamon donut! *Hands you a doughnut covered in cinnamon* [Well no shiz, Eve.] I'm sorry if you're allergic to cinnamon, in which case I will give you a donut with sprinkles! *Hands you another donut* ^-^