Reading is my escape. Writing is my therapy. I used to live in a library, breath books and bleed ink. Nowadays it's all in my phone which is kinda sad but hey, don't need a flashlight anymore!
I've passed my thirties, my laughing lines don't really disappear anymore. I'm on the verge of being too embarrassing to have tagging along, according to my offspring.
So my teenage vibes might be a bit off nowadays but I hear you.
I'm fascinated by the human psychology and capability to adapt, which is a common theme in both my day job and writings whereas my favorite reads are often Harlequin kind or stuff or something other light stories with original plots to balance my otherwise serious job and struggles.
I've got several drafts saved, some of them will never see a daylight, some need some serious editing and motivation, which is not my strongest suit. Meanwhile I try to take a break from my crazy life and fly away to a fantasy world of your making.
- Дата регистрацииFebruary 19, 2015
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Hei!Kiitos lukemisesta, tykkäämisistä ja kommentoinnista!Olen saanut kysymyksiä milloin Edes Sumpille jatkuu.Nyt on meneillään kesälomareissusta koko perheen sairasteluiksi muuttunut tauko, ja ain...Посмотреть все беседы
Истории от Mary Esfir
- 5 Опубликованных историй

Edes ystäviä
Nuori nainen, jolla on diagnooseja yli oman tarpeen.
Pettymyksen kohdannut mies, joka osoitettiin häntä opast...

Huumorintäyteinen romantiikkapläjäys, jonka päähenkilöinä seikkailee deittailukonsulttina työskentelevä naine...

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