
Hey guys!!! Just a chance to say hello to my new followers: THANK YOU!! And to my not-so-new followers: THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME! You guys are the best and thanks to you I'm nearly at 500 votes and 10,000 reads. Please help me reach my goal and vote for your favorite chapters and keep reading or recommend my stories to others. THANKS AGAIN GUYS I LOVE YOU <3


Hey guys!!! Just a chance to say hello to my new followers: THANK YOU!! And to my not-so-new followers: THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME! You guys are the best and thanks to you I'm nearly at 500 votes and 10,000 reads. Please help me reach my goal and vote for your favorite chapters and keep reading or recommend my stories to others. THANKS AGAIN GUYS I LOVE YOU <3


@alexacenas28 my sequel to The Human Doctor is out now! I'm still finishing the ending. And thanks, you're not the only person to tell me to write for Doctor Who. Thanks for comparing me to JK Rowling, but I'm no where near her level. That's so cool that were into the same things! So thanks again, and keep reading!! <3


Hey everyone! Well, The Human Doctor is almost to 5,000 reads!!! Wooooo! I would love it of you helped me make it to 5,000 so keep reading if you haven't finished yet and tell all of your Wattpad friends! As always read, vote, and please COMMENT! I love hearing from you all! thanks!!!


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say that I am super excited that my stories are catching on so well! I am almost to 2,000 on Who House and I'd really love to get it to that amount, so I would appreciate it if you could read some more and tell others to read it too! and as always, vote and pleeeeeeeease comment! I love feedback! Allons-y!


Ok, so something weird was happening with the last part i updated on Who House. I deleted it and re-published it so it should be all set. This is the last part and I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who read it! I hope you enjoyed it!