
whats that? an update to PJMTA?? for the first time in about 19 months?? that is absolutely right, I've just uploaded a 4,250 word update, and I hope that the length of the update makes up a little bit for just how long y'all have had to wait for it. 
          	(PS: theres an AN at the end about updates, please make sure to read this!)


@maroakem Well, back to waiting for 2 years again. Break past the 3 year barrier! You can do it!!
          	  (just a joke. Excitedly waiting for chapter 27)


Hey! I just finished reading PJMTA and I have to say, that was one of the best PJO and Avengers crossovers I have ever read. It was really smart how you had the two parties meet in the beginning. Anyway, just wanted to show my support to an amazing author!


whats that? an update to PJMTA?? for the first time in about 19 months?? that is absolutely right, I've just uploaded a 4,250 word update, and I hope that the length of the update makes up a little bit for just how long y'all have had to wait for it. 
          (PS: theres an AN at the end about updates, please make sure to read this!)


@maroakem Well, back to waiting for 2 years again. Break past the 3 year barrier! You can do it!!
            (just a joke. Excitedly waiting for chapter 27)


          how would y'all feel about an out of the blue update to PJMTA tonight?
          been working on and off on the next update for literally the last like year and a half & finally have a chapter finished (that's the full time student life i guess lol)
          need to read through for obvious typos & make sure there's no half finished sentences, and then it'll be published :)


          i uhhh obviously still havent updated PJMTA since the last message I sent on here. 
          the reason i'm popping on right now to say a massive thank you for 90K reads??? especially when I literally haven't updated in almost a year & a half it was so unexpected to come on here and see that id hit such a huge milestone - especially bcos i never expected to hit more than maybe 10-15k total 
          realistically still don't expect an update too soon. I haven't written anything since my last message on here, due to a mixture of work, lack of inspo/writers block, and starting university. my first week of my final year of uni is over and the stress is setting in a little already. when i next have a spare minute and know how i want to finish the update it'll be out, but i have no idea when that'll be.
          there will be a message on this in the update whenever it finally comes out, but please stop commenting things along the lines of 'update!!!' 'sad to see that its an abandoned story :/' etc. anything that is seen as just telling me to update or that i've abandoned/given up on PJMTA.
          i love when people comment saying theyre looking forward to an update, or what theyre hoping happens next etc. but being told i've abandoned my story or simply told to update puts off the idea of writing completely. I plan to go through my comments and delete the ones that are telling me to update or that ive abandoned PJMTA when the next chapter come out.
          (to clarify i hold no grudge against anyone who has commented things like that,  especially those who commented before seeing one of the various posts where i've asked people to not leave those types of comments. I did snap back at someone a little while ago which i regret, and would like to clarify i absolutely hold no ill will towards that particular person, i replied impulsively. i will make it very clear in the next update that any other comments like that will be deleted as soon as i see them.)
          thanks & hopefully speak to y'all soon


hey guys,
          if you've noticed something different about PJMTA in the last hour or so it's probably that my sister ( @hungrygremlin2003 ) has remade the cover for me. because I don't like change she essentially copied the old cover, which she had also made, but made it look better. 
          I also wanted to pop in to say that as of today I have approx 3000 words of the new update done. I have a couple bits I still need to add (especially as theres two half finished paragraphs that i left to write more interesting parts) before I can publish the update but i'm hoping to be able to work some more on it tomorrow. my sister has read through what there currently is and given me some feedback, which i listened to some of, and will try to incorporate. when i do finish PJMTA completely i will also be doing a big full story edit so bits i miss now can be changed then.
          speak to y'all soon