
I am not sure whether anyone will read this or not. 
          	I would like to apologise to anyone who has been waiting for updates on "stay." There have been a lot of things going on, and I did not have time to write - at all. I think I have not written anything in over 6 months (or more), which is kinda a nightmare.
          	I have been thinking a lot about the story, though, and I think I will come back to it. Slowly, but I truly want to. I think the best way to do this, though, is to read through it, edit it a little bit and then continue from where I left off. I know that when it comes to certain ideas, I was holding myself a bit back because I was afraid, but I think "stay" deserves to be finished, and the characters deserve to be written in a way they were originally supposed to be written.  
          	So, there is a possibility some chapters will be slightly changed (some things may be added, other may be deleted, the parts that were written in a rush would be made better, etc.). 
          	I suppose what I am trying to say is, if certain chapters disappear for a while, this is the reason - they are going to be edited, but they will slowly pop back up again, and then, hopefully, a new chapter will take place. Since I have had an idea of where I wanted the story to go, but I had not created any kind of proper synopsis, that's what I will focus on now, because I think I need to give it a proper structure to know what to write in case I get stuck again. 
          	Thank you for understanding. 
          	Lots of love<3 


@Kang_Anna_1997 hello there!:) thank you so much, your words mean so much to me, especially since i have been struggling with writing for the past few months. i can promise you that the new chapters will come (hopefully) soon. i am currently doing some edits to the story and posting it on ao3, but the moment i finish the edits on the chapters that have already been written, i will continue with the story. 
          	  i am doing fine, there's just a lot of stuff at uni, and so the process of writing is taking a bit more time than i would like.
          	  i hope u r doing good, u r very kind!<3 
          	  have a nice rest of the day!:) hopefully the new chapters will not disappoint once they are posted haha


@marreh- Heyyy.... just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I appreciate your work on 'Stay.' .Your writing is awesome, I'm legit crying because there are no more chapters left!
          	  Also just wanted to make sure your ok, if you need anything. I've got your back. Take care! Kisses! <3


I am not sure whether anyone will read this or not. 
          I would like to apologise to anyone who has been waiting for updates on "stay." There have been a lot of things going on, and I did not have time to write - at all. I think I have not written anything in over 6 months (or more), which is kinda a nightmare.
          I have been thinking a lot about the story, though, and I think I will come back to it. Slowly, but I truly want to. I think the best way to do this, though, is to read through it, edit it a little bit and then continue from where I left off. I know that when it comes to certain ideas, I was holding myself a bit back because I was afraid, but I think "stay" deserves to be finished, and the characters deserve to be written in a way they were originally supposed to be written.  
          So, there is a possibility some chapters will be slightly changed (some things may be added, other may be deleted, the parts that were written in a rush would be made better, etc.). 
          I suppose what I am trying to say is, if certain chapters disappear for a while, this is the reason - they are going to be edited, but they will slowly pop back up again, and then, hopefully, a new chapter will take place. Since I have had an idea of where I wanted the story to go, but I had not created any kind of proper synopsis, that's what I will focus on now, because I think I need to give it a proper structure to know what to write in case I get stuck again. 
          Thank you for understanding. 
          Lots of love<3 


@Kang_Anna_1997 hello there!:) thank you so much, your words mean so much to me, especially since i have been struggling with writing for the past few months. i can promise you that the new chapters will come (hopefully) soon. i am currently doing some edits to the story and posting it on ao3, but the moment i finish the edits on the chapters that have already been written, i will continue with the story. 
            i am doing fine, there's just a lot of stuff at uni, and so the process of writing is taking a bit more time than i would like.
            i hope u r doing good, u r very kind!<3 
            have a nice rest of the day!:) hopefully the new chapters will not disappoint once they are posted haha


@marreh- Heyyy.... just wanted to reach out and let you know how much I appreciate your work on 'Stay.' .Your writing is awesome, I'm legit crying because there are no more chapters left!
            Also just wanted to make sure your ok, if you need anything. I've got your back. Take care! Kisses! <3


Hey sweetheart, how are you? :) 
          I just wanted to check in on you cause you haven’t posted in a while. I don’t want to pressure you, I’m just curious.  
          Have a good one xx


@kitten9313 hiii, i'm so sorry for being absent for such a long time. i've put up an announcement rn, but i am planning on getting back to writing stay! so sorry for the long wait, i'll understand if u won't be interested in reading it anymore... it will be edited and then, hopefully, i will write the next chapter in the process. 
            thank u for checking in<3 i hope u have a nice day, lovely!


Hey just wondering where you went ? 
            If you ever decide to upload your story, I’d happily read it. 
            Take care, love. :) xx


Smart move :D 
            I hope everything went well and you passed your exams :) 
            Take your time and don’t worry about the wait love :)
            Thank you, you too love. Yx