Hey everyone I’m trying my hardest to work on new content, I’m just really struggling after
Recently getting sexually assaulted. I’m okay I’m just quite shaken up xx
@marriedtomeddison - take from some one who knows. It's gonna take some time for the flash backs to go away
I still have memories till this day
My incident happened three years ago
It affected me emotional. It someone l thought l know, nobody can't tell how to feel.
@NIkkiSimmons5 thank you so much. I really appreciate it, I’m just struggling to get over all the flashbacks etc it’s so so hard so I’m glad that I have someone to talk to x
I’m thinking of doing greys comfort one shots, becuase there aren’t enough comforting stories out there. Let me know what ships you want to see(obvi meradd,mernick,kaimelia,admelia will all be featured) xx