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When it's your first year of in-persin school in a new school you've never been to and the adminastrators decide to make you struggle and send you running up and down between classes with only a 4 minute passing time and you have P.E. as 4th period where you have to change your clothes before class and after infront of a bunch of strangers but your 3rd and 5th period classes are also on the upstairs floor-
Then your first period is also math accel with an asian teacher but you have to drop of you band stuff on the other side of the school and put iit in the locker before school, run up do class, and then wiggle between people to get back to band which like I said, IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING SCHOOL , do band, AND THEN RUN BACK UPSTRAIS FOR SCIENCE WHICH HAPPENS TO BE RIGHT NEXT TO MATH-