
yo chat i'm back


Update on LHAAOFNC (how I will be abbreviating it from now on): Chapter 5 is being worked on and is about 1/4 the way done! It may take a while to finish though! Wow, to think this entire thing started out as a funny little inside joke between my friends and I!


I do not ship FanBulb, just saying now!! I'm more of a FanTube type of guy, but you ship what you want as long as it isn't problematic or illegal!! (You'll understand why I'm saying this soon.) (wink wink nudge nudge)


lost motivation for that too


i will instead write a short friendship fic about the two


i was gonna post a crackfic but then lost motivation


I'm currently putting "Lightbulb Has an Accident On Fan's New Carpet" on hiatus until further notice. The people writing it have mostly given up and are experiencing really bad writer's block. I, personally, am going through my own little struggles involving my mental health and identity and am gonna work on getting that sorted out. I promise to you that this won't be "Before the Darkness 2.0", unlike with that, I have huge plans for what I'm gonna do with this story, I just need to figure out how to put it into words. Anyways, thank you for reading this long post and I hope you had a good time reading this little thing my friends and I put together around an inside joke in a voice call. Also, I'm writing this at 3:30AM and I should probably get to sleep, good night everyone!


Hello, hi! I'm here with an announcement about "Lightbulb Has an Accident On Fan's New Carpet". There will be a delay with chapter 5 because all of us writers have been busy or have had writers block or just have been dealing with stuff outside of the internet. So yeah, chapter 5 will be delayed to probably Sunday! Thank you for reading by the way and happy 4th to all my fellow USAians! (Of which are living in a time zone that is still celebrating it.)