
Hi, are there gonna be any more books about hindsigh? I fell in love with all ur books..they are amazing!


Hi!! Thank you for the feedback about my books <3 I really appreciate it. When it comes to hindsight, I lost motivation and couldn’t completely continue on what I had written. In addition to that my life has been stressful for quite some time now. I’ve also taken the time to improve my English, and therefore I didn’t want to continue until it had improved. But, I also have a new book in my drafts and I will try to continue with hindsight as soon as possible :) 


Hey! I don’t wanna rush you or stuff but its been a while since u last updated ur last story and i was wondering when would u post another chapter cause i really wanna see whats gonna happen next! But sorry if i seemed rude or bothered u! It’s completely fine if u dont have motivation or inspiration so take ur time!


Hi! I know it has taken a long time and I’m very sorry for that. I have simply not thought about having books to finish due to a lot of schoolwork and little motivation, but I will be back as soon as it comes back. You’re allowed to ask and I certainly don’t look at it as rude 