
Happy October, everyone!! A few housekeeping things: Unfortunately, Banana Ball One-Shots has been put on hold. I started school a few weeks ago and keeping up with my schoolwork and stories has been a little difficult. I have stories scheduled to publish, which will pretty much be the only updates coming out. I am working on new parts when I have time but the possibility of any updates for Banana Ball One-Shots before the holiday season, I feel is unlikely. If you have any requests for Banana Ball One-Shots, please send them in! Any inspiration is greatly appreciated.


Happy October, everyone!! A few housekeeping things: Unfortunately, Banana Ball One-Shots has been put on hold. I started school a few weeks ago and keeping up with my schoolwork and stories has been a little difficult. I have stories scheduled to publish, which will pretty much be the only updates coming out. I am working on new parts when I have time but the possibility of any updates for Banana Ball One-Shots before the holiday season, I feel is unlikely. If you have any requests for Banana Ball One-Shots, please send them in! Any inspiration is greatly appreciated.


For my Jackson Oslson/Banana Ball fans: New Romantics /// J. Olson will be coming out every Friday starting August 30!!!!
          For my Banana Ball One-Shots readers: please continue to send in requests! I love seeing what you guys come up with!!


          51 /// M. Casey will be published on Wednesdays, Corkscrews + Cherry Blossoms /// MacGyver will be published on Saturdays, and In Between /// C. Yelich will be published on Mondays! Everything else will remain the same! 
          I'm slowly running out of ideas for Banana Ball One-Shots, so feel free to send in some requests!!!!


hello! I have been reading your banana ball one shots and I've enjoyed them all! I was wondering if maybe you could do one of Bill Leroy? Any idea you have is fine!


Sounds amazing! Thanks


@H34RTS44LL3N i have one for Bill that will be published sometime in September 


I was wondering if you could write a multi chapter story of dawsey or Stellaride or linstead or upstead going through IVF please thanks 


Can you please do it about dawsey please 