
See, I really really wanna re-do a lot of the parts in my dating scenarios book, because honestly they need to be updated, but I don’t know if that would be a good idea or if I should just delete the book all together and restart (which I’m also considering) but idk 


@marvelgrl600  I think you should keep the old one (because we still enjoy it) but make a new one as well. It would be really fun to read the old one in between updates of the new one :-)


so i saw your about and i wanted to ask how are you two different houses because Thunderbird is not ravenclaw. In Ilvermorny, Ravenclaw would technically translate to Horned Serpent and I didn't know if you were aware. I mean, i was confused when I found out


See, I really really wanna re-do a lot of the parts in my dating scenarios book, because honestly they need to be updated, but I don’t know if that would be a good idea or if I should just delete the book all together and restart (which I’m also considering) but idk 


@marvelgrl600  I think you should keep the old one (because we still enjoy it) but make a new one as well. It would be really fun to read the old one in between updates of the new one :-)


some days i look at the men of marvel and think woooowww i might be straight idk then i see the women of marvel and it’s like “iiiiMMMMM GAYYYYYY” so yeah #mood


@Yavanna80 yeah it’s nice that you’re very accepting! I just think guys are great and women are great too and they’re all really pretty haha 


@ marvelgrl600  I respect all the diverse sexualities. Maybe Nat but I don't see myself shagging with women lol 


@Yavanna80 not even mentioning Nakia, Hope, and Peggy lol 