
Happy Holidays my fellow nerds!!!! This is just an update on 'Blended Family', the next chapter will be uploaded after January 1st. Just because I don't know most of them, doesn't mean I don't have a family too. Anyways, until next time my fellow nerds.


Happy Holidays my fellow nerds!!!! This is just an update on 'Blended Family', the next chapter will be uploaded after January 1st. Just because I don't know most of them, doesn't mean I don't have a family too. Anyways, until next time my fellow nerds.


Hey guys. I won't be able to update on the story because of summer vacation and I am in Dominican republic right now with very little internet. I will be back on the 4th of august with an update and some news that you might like. Well that is all and goodbye for now my fellow nerds


Oh Wattpad how i missed you so! Anyway, Hello my fellow nerds. sorry you didn't get to hear from me in a while, I was just busy doing homework studying for the finals, planning my summer, planning my 15th birthday (no I will not have a party) and i was busy with balancing my work time and my free time. just a heads up, I will update during the weekend, the latest is Sunday so hope you guys will like it, and in this chapter you finally get to meet Jennifer, the wicked witch of the west. and if you want to suggest any of your storys for me to read that would be awesome. i would love to know what my followers are working on so please suggest. well, that's all for today...goodbye my fellow nerds,


Hello my fellow nerds.  I am aboug to go school and i saw a message in the account and i was checking it out.  Juat so you know I AM AN AMATEUR IN WRITING!  Im just starting to write stories i need more practice.  I will get it some time.  I am so bad the only way i can go i up.  Well goodbye my fellow nerds


hello my fellow nerds i have some news. my friend, iximeep, and i made a short story about a hero's journey. we started to do this because it was a project and we decided "hey! why not put it in wattpad?"
          and that is what we are doing. since i am working on this, 'blended family' is gonna be updated next month and it might be sloppy. so there is your warning. i hope you like the story we are making and the cover which is my favorite. that is all for now my fellow nerds. Bye


i will update the story today or next weekend....i don't know, but i will keep you posted. it really hard since i have finals week next week and my grades are plummeting so sorry for the wait and i will tell you the second i update is not then i was busy....bye my fellow nerds (take it as a complement, it is me)