
ok, so after my exam on Saturday, i will sit myself down and have a go at the story again, i`m going to write HTT first because that story is much closer to my heart and for the last year, many different times I thought constantly of it and how i might change it etc ON SAT EXPECT HOLIER THAN THOU to be re uploaded, with possibly more additions added to previous chapters that enhance the story and the day after i will upload another chapter :). I`m making a schedule for myself, SUN HTT updates, and then on WED SURVIVAL GUIDE updates. How does that sound É_É


Hi um, I didn’t know this person personally-or at all. Even though this person passed away a long time ago (from what I heard at least). It’s now 2021 :( anyways, I just felt super sad to hear about the passing of this person. I hope none of you ever have to go through losing someone close to you. Probably no one will find this comment considering that all these others comments are from 2014 and later. But yeah, I’m so sorry to hear about the death. Love you all so much. 


To those who haven't scrolled down or looked through some comments on Maryasha's books,  she unfortunately passed away in a car accident a few years ago. There will not be any updates unless her friend decides to continue her books which is her choice so please be respectful. R. I. P. ♡


I am a new reader to your aliza story.
          I read threw the comments waiting for an explanation on why you hadn't uploaded for such a long time.
          I didn't like what I found.
          I am so sorry, you are such a great writer.
          R.i.p maryasha, for what I knew you would of been such a wonderful person.


OH MY GOSH IM GONNA CRY!!! I thought that you were going to update some time and I was going to post a message about your great books only to find that you passed away!!! I just wanted to say that your writing is great and Mr. Holier than thou is my favorite. Now, I'm gonna curl up in a corner with movies and ice cream.