
Had another beautiful dream about you.
          	They all have the same tone. Just calm, easygoing, pleasant, with a sprinkling of drama. We Just enjoy our time together. And I wake up completely rested.


I am awake.
          	  And I only feel well rested when I have dreams of being friends.


I had a dream that we were cuddling by a sparkling pond in the forest all night. It was wonderful. I can still feel your arms clutched around me, not letting go, and your breaths rocking me, your hand clutched with mine.


I'm literally not one thousandth of a percent less in love with you than I was a year ago
            It truly makes me wonder


Dream: There was a cryptid, a vulgar beast contained underwater and used for training exercises. It looked like a dementor but more blistery and tangible and could extend its limbs. It somehow got loose while I was training with it and I had to swim for my life. But it was relatively slow and weak, so we weren't afraid of it floating and reaching around as long as we could see it. We wanted to get it back into containment, but it disappeared, and eventually got hold of some girl who was none the wiser. Its touch causes people to bleed and fall apart. With each person it killed, the thing grew stronger. It got ahold of someone else and grew to the point we could no longer manage it floating around. It started killing a considerable number of people and it was gradually turning into a disaster. We ran. .


Eventually, it grew so fast and powerful that it was faster than us, and appearing in two or three places at once. It got its hands on all of the people in the offices, and kept growing, until it killed the people accompanying me, giving their lives to protect me. It had killed everyone, and these great manifestations of darkness, big heads with empty, tortured faces and smiles began coming from everywhere in every room. I frantically ran between rooms, searching for one that wasn't infested with faces, and had seconds to settle on a place to hide. I thought, I'll push up on the fluorescent light fixture, and sure enough, there was a space for me. So I got up there and placed it back as it was, almost perfectly hidden, and stayed until the thing had entered that room. It took a few minutes to search, but it was pretty sure that I was in this room. Eventually, four faces were pressed up against the door glass. The thing moved the light fixture, and it began to touch me, but the four barged into the room and saved me. The next thing I knew I was in the warm company of dozens of people insisting their love and care for me, getting me to a warm bed, getting me everything I wanted, giving me lots of care and affection. As the thing had begun to touch me and was interrupted, I had sprouted horns from my ribs and from my head, and I looked just like Borushiki, like one half of my body was pale and taken over. I now had great power. It's possible I destroyed the beast myself


Dream: The new Zelda game was here, and yes, it came pretty quickly. That's because it was an open world title in the style of Twilight Princess. I've had dreams on the same theme, but this was more gameplay focused. It was mostly centered around a fortress area similar looking to the Bridge of Eldin, and the climbing controls were much more sophisticated, to say the least. Think FF7Rb but more robust. The movement was more fluid in general, but the items and sound effects were tastefully familiar. The entire game felt faster, and the tone was quieter and more ominous. I'm sure this game would have featured an explorable Twilight Realm, and perhaps even the Sacred Realm. It looked like if Twilight Princess was made now instead of the 00s. A bunch of reused assets, but more new.
          Needless to say, I'm in love with this concept, and I think it was inspired by the jump from FF7 Remake to Rebirth. What's stopping devs from turning back the clock and making new content in the styles that people already love?
          The sky is the limit. Give us URA Zelda. I'll walk across a mile of broken glass for it.


I think I've had this dream before. It's a horror game that's sort of a mix between a few games both that I have and haven't played, and other dreams, and largely original. I'm this man who returns to this vast, run down urban tower that I had already explored in the previous dream. A woman is talking to me telling me to continue to the top floor, since I'd already progressed that far. The elevator comes and offers to take me to any of the floors. With great apprehension I pick the top floor and begin slowly ascending, recounting the horrors of all the previous floors. The elevator has no door and creaks back and forth. In the early floors, I hear a woman screaming and begging for her life as she descends. I see her flying past the various floors, and I can already tell she's being chased by the monster of this dream, which is blind, but can sense through sounds and other means, and communicate telepathically to all its kind. I hear a troop of gunmen who are seeking to stop me from getting to the top. They see me ascending in the shoddy old elevator that feels like it could stop at any moment. I was horrified, and recoiled within the metal box as I swung in and out of their sights. It was perhaps more troubling that they held their fire. Finally, the elevator squeezes into the narrow concrete shaft at the highest part of the tower, scraping past the blank four walls. Then, I arrive. The floor, ceiling and walls are solid concrete, with window slots far too small to fit through. I can tell I'm very close to the rooftop. 


I saw a poster that outlined my identity, almost like it was a film or theme park attraction, being filled in with fine details about me, almost as if I was being extracted onto it. It was a catalogue with pages of the things that were most precious to me in the world. It was a sort of vague threat. Eventually I could no longer see or feel anything besides the vision. Now I know how they make up for their poor speed. Should have gone slowly.
            I don't know if I failed here or not, but the next thing I knew, the guy from the top floor appears with a large device like a washing machine that he called a processor or something similar. A slug beast drops onto me from above with a nasty bite, their other tactic, and I wrestle it into the machine which sucks it in. I have no choice but to keep repeating this motion. As they drop down at me. That's all I remember, sorry.


The woman I'm communicating with appears, as well as an unwelcome man with a pistol. I forget what he was frantically shouting, but it might have been "no one can leave/stay on this floor." I resist him briefly and he retreats. After that, my objectives are just blurry, but I'm clearly supposed to start descending. It was much like the previous dream, clearing cluttered dark rooms, blind corners, etc, until I reached the main shaft that I had ascended in.
            It was run down, nowhere to stand, and goes all the way to the bottom. It was infested with the monster of this dream, large, slug-like creatures with rows of quill-like teeth and an evil, salivating head containing them. I was tasked with climbing down the rickety scaffolding quietly, and out of the faces of the occupying slug beasts that hung and wriggled about, able to squeeze their bodies through plumbing. I quietly proceeded where there must have been one beast every five feet. Just like the girl at the beginning, I began to make speed my priority, and slipped past some of their faces, my steps making small creaks in the scaffolding. I heard their evil bodies start trailing in unison as I slipped past each their reach. That's when I began having visions. "They have already picked your place to die."


Dream: A Tears of the Kingdom dream. In my dreams about this game, before and after release, the Hyrule overworld is always vastly different, or bigger. So I was pretty disappointed to find that the landscapes and available settlements were mostly in tact.
          For instance, in this dream, there was a village on top of a grassy hill full of spirits and tattered houses you could enter. There were several wells leaking with gloom, like you can find in the actual game.
          I notice a traveler walking up the village road. He didn't alarm any of the villagers, well, because they were spirits. As he got closer, he oozed with gloom. Curious. And finally one he was a snowball's throw away, I could see that he was some sort of decayed, gloom converted corpse just like Ganondorf. I tried to photograph him, but the camera was freaking out and glitching. Like it was being hacked! Is this mischievous hacker trying to get me killed?
          As soon as I could get my camera on him, the focus indicator was RED instead of ORANGE, as if he was some sort of arcane monster. I watched through my camera as he screeched and turned into a bunch of gloom hands, which never happens in a village. Finally I got my lens to capture him and recorded the entry for something along the lines of "Big/Monster Gloom Hands," with the location attached to it. It was a gloom hands but much larger and with about ten hands total. The encounter reminded me of Ghostwire Tokyo to be honest. Tears could have used more of that kind of thing. I wish this enemy was in the game. Eventually the gloom hands just randomly shriveled up and disappeared, as they tend to.


Dream: Lovely, lovely Fay. I guess she was on some kind of mission. I'm pretty sure the gloom hands from tears of the kingdom were here and she was trying to climb to escape from them, up a circus tent that was in the middle of a grassy plain? But the tent was burning down. But actually people were chasing her, and I think it was the other SFs. She climbed to the top of the fiery tent, all of the tarping was gone and the thing collapsed into smoke and flames, Maku was 70% sure that she died.
          Next scene, she was lying barely conscious in a boat drifting down a sewer passage with *spoilers* navigating their way. 
          If I end up using this scenario, sorry for the spoiler


Dream: I was playing a remake of HeartGold and SoulSilver of some manner. I was playing on hard mode, a feature that was only included in Pokémon Black 2 as far as I know. I faced an opponent who was a quirky shopkeeper in the very first town, which was different from New Bark Town, and he actually dented my Arcanine's health. Lyra was there, so I had to face her. Anyways, soon after that, I must have picked my starter and set off. At some point, I was in a vast lake that stretched between towns and groves, riding on my Pokémon and avoiding speeding wild ones in the water. It was beautiful. The lake was golden, the lush forests were almost out of sight, and there was an island in the middle, and the music was peaceful like Eterna Forest. The edges of the screen were decorated with elements such as Pokémon moving about the woods, which were swaying with the wind. I found another forest entrance off of the lake and so I sailed in. Then, I realized just how beautiful this game was, with its cheerful pastel colours, I really wish I could remember more.
          My girlfriend was giving me problems over something presumptuous, and I just sent her a picture of a Starmie hanging out in the background woods and said "this game is beautiful."