
I can't believe people are still reading my cringy fanfics from four years ago omg. Thank you to all my readers and followers! Hopefully I can come up with a good story soon!


Hello Wattpad! It's what, 2 years since I last opened this account?? I'm so sorry. I am now also cringing on my crappy works. I just want to update y'all that I am still alive, still have a passion for literature, and very soon going to college.


Ohmygod I can't believe how much I neglected my wattpad account. I'm so sorry. Life as a HS senior student is tough and ugly. And I've also taken up the Photojournalist position for our School's newspaper so, yeah. Pretty crap schedule. 
          Will post some small literary pieces SOON! 


Hey guys! first of all, thank you for following and supporting my work. I never said that publicly before so there you go haha.
          Second, to those who are reading my stuff especially "Take It All Away" I'm really sorry for not updating it that much because i've been really busy with school work since it just started (and i've been procastinating and being lazy, sorry) I try to update atleast once in 2 months but I really cant promise so right now, I'm putting it on hold.
          I haven't really receive any hate so that's good for my part haha. I hope y'all understand. Keep on being awesome!