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soooo not really sure what to say. well, there's bad news and there's not-so-bad news. the bad news is that I haven't started writing on the next chapter and tho I got the plans all in my notebook ready to start typing, I just can't yet because of life situations, so u guys won't see a new chp for a while. BUT luckily that's where the not-so-bad news kicks In, over the course of, well idk how long, ima put and edit my other chapters as I believe they could be a bit more of, well a chapter buts that's it for now. and thanks to the people who do read my weird cringy ass stuff. its nice to know someone in the world is enjoying my stuff. and also, thanks to @ihasnolifeu0-0 for being, well just them. anyhoo ima head out and watch logan now (yeh u guys can scold my ass for not watching it beforehand) thought it would be fitting as per the recent Deadpool 3 news anyways, see u mcguffins soooooon!