hello, everyone!
maaf ya tiba-tiba muncul tanpa update itinerary ehehehhee. but i have a good news (maybe✌) that i made special chapter of yours, mas bra. it's like the truth after yours, mas bra. in that special chapter we can see how mas bra actually deals with the grief. special chapternya aku post di project ceritacharity (twt). buat kalian yg mau baca bisa berdonasi minimal 35 ribu (untuk paket sunrise saja) atau 60 ribu untuk full package. dengan donasi tsb kalian enggak hanya bisa baca cerita dari aku aja, tapi bisa baca 60 cerita au day6! donasinya nanti disalurkan buat bantu comeback day6, wrc jogja, dan rumah ibadah.
for further info please check https://twitter.com/ceritacharity/status/1380129085217599492?s=19
thank you, good people!