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i've moved on from him and im happy with that tapi move on tidak bermaksud melupakan . i still remember you i still remember the memories but it doesn't hurt me like before . finally i can look at you without any feeling . i can live without chatting with you . but sometimes i miss our moments together . i really hate when i look at something and then i remember you , i hate when i sit without doing nothing but the flashback come across my mind . i hate that you can live happily after what you've done . i hate myself bcs fall in love with someone that like you . i hate myself for being dumb . i hate myself for . but sometimes i wonder mesti best kan dia bila kau selalu update kat dia , mesti dia happy bila kau tanya about her day , and kau pun mesti happy bila dia ucap goodluck setiap kali kau ada game . ofc dia happy kan . yeah like you did to me before i realise all of this issa bullshit . goodluck to the girl , may longlast to hell .