Ok, I'm officially back from vacation. I was so bored. My friend and I spent the last six days in the same room and we were together basically 24/7. That wouldn't be a bad thing if only we had topics we could talk about. Unfortunately, I didn't have an internet connection, and a first few days were a nightmare because I had nothing to do. It was basically wake up, go to beach, come home, go to sleep. But... but, then I went to the library and my life did a complete 360. In three days I was able to read 3 books. Also, every book had over 400 pages. The books I read were 'The last victim' and 'The last kiss goodbye' by Karen Robarts and another book by David Baldacci, but I am not sure how's it called in English, I believe it was 'Guilty' but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm blabbing. I just wanted to say that I will be updating two chapters this week, maybe even three, because, hey, I'm dying of boredom. And also if any of you have read any of these books, let me know your thoughts. Ok. Bye.