
fw my recents on insta!!


upcoming prompt
          One million and one stories have been told about the people have their heart shattered into one million pieces. Not many people tell the stories of the ones who fall out of love first. Who try their best to reignite a spark they know is gone. The one whose heart shatters first, knowing they have to break the promise of forever, and there's nothing they can do but break the heart they promised to hold dear.
          Well today, we will. Call us advocates of the unheard if you might. Because there are two sides to every story. And one side mustn't be wrong while the other right. Sometimes each side is a mixture of both. And sometimes there aren't any sides. Just two people who have convinced themselves they are meant to be when they are not. But eventually an eye must open. Most times one persons' before the others'. 
          yay or nay?


upcoming prompt
          One million and one stories have been told about the people have their heart shattered into one million pieces. Not many people tell the stories of the ones who fall out of love first. Who try their best to reignite a spark they know is gone. The one whose heart shatters first, knowing they have to break the promise of forever, and there's nothing they can do but break the heart they promised to hold dear.
          Well today, we will. Call us advocates of the unheard if you might. Because there are two sides to every story. And one side mustn't be wrong while the other right. Sometimes each side is a mixture of both. And sometimes there aren't any sides. Just two people who have convinced themselves they are meant to be when they are not. But eventually an eye must open. 
          yay or nay?


upcoming prompt 
          One million and one stories have been told about the people have their heart shattered into one million pieces. Not many people tell the stories of the ones who fall out of love first. Who try their best to reignite a spark they know is gone. The one whose heart shatters first, knowing they have to break the promise of forever, and there's nothing they can do but break the heart they promised to hold dear.
          Well today, we will. Call us advocates of the unheard if you might. Because there are two sides to every story. And one side mustn't be wrong while the other right. Sometimes each side is a mixture of both. And sometimes there aren't any sides. Just two people who have convinced themselves they are meant to be when they are not. But eventually an eye must open. 
          yay or nay? let me know what you guys think