
Hey guys! Chapter two of Mackenzie is finally up. I  sincerely apologize for the long wait. I'm balancing three jobs, school,and writing. 
          	Anyway, I love you all so much. 
          	So much Love


Hi guys! 
          I'm back!! I moved Emotions of the Geek back to my drafts because I realized it needs lots of editing. I'm currently working on finishing the book and posting it once. 
          On other news, I'm editing a certain book here on wattpad. It's the second book I'm editing by the same author. If you want to know more details about the book, send me a private message and I will post it on my wall.
          Another thing, I started reading the 'Storm and Silence' series around mid June or July.. They are all very lovely. I'm currently on the latest book, Silence Breaking. I'm waiting for the latest chapter to be updated.
          If anyone suggested a book I should go through and I haven't done so yet, please remind me.