Hi guys So I recently just finished reading two books namely 'The Gay Nerd Who Stole The Jock's Heart' and its sequel 'I Stole The Jock's Heart'. Basically I have a troubled deciding on where to put these two books either in the bookmark 2 or 3. The reason is: The plots: most of them were going back and forth (u gonna know it once u read it, and this kind of plot I usually gonna put it in my third bookmark cause I really don't like it) I really want to warn the reader (for those who want to read the book based my recommendation) that these two books are the first book I read that gave me a REAL hell of emotional rollercoaster. It's a messed up story. I really appreciate these books tho bcs I think the story probably is portraying the actual event that's happening in daily life which people like me do not know about it. #mentalillness This is the first time I cried a river from reading whattpad story. Tbh, this is NOT the happy ending kind of book (so prepare yourself mentally, bcs u might not gonna like it, especially this one. Also I myself is kind of person tend to hate sad ending, bcs one the reasons I read book is for fun and being happy. Conclusion, I do agree with the author's decision for the ending, their relationship cannot be fixed anymore, they messed up really bad throughout the story, A LOT OF TOXICITY I must say. Plus, there's a lot of barrier in their relationship, not only by their toxic attitudes but also the people who always interfering with their relationship. I'm happy although they ...... .

Shout out to Jonah, yeah he did mistakes, but the truth is he really love Ky till the end plus Jonah have improved a lot in the sequel. Sadly for Ky, his story started quite good (although with his abusive farther, but in the end, the pressure from surrounding and from he himself could keep his sanity anymore, I didn't blame him for the insecurities he had, he tried but that's what's meant to be. I was hoping that he could get better emotionally and mentally, but it doesn't matter now. Therefore, I decided to put it in bookmark 2, bcs I think the author was trying suit the plot with the Ky's situation