hi, so i'm here to announce something. langsung aja, intinya aku bakal berhenti nulis fanfiction nor anything related to kpop ship. i also won't be active in this account anymore, i'll put my another account later in my bio. jadi ya... this acc is kinda closed gitu lah wkwk. no one would probably cares but yaudahlah ya. thanks for 12k reads and 1k votes-nya di just hyunjeong, juga reads dan votes di cerita lain yang nggak seberapa banyak. little things that y'all did yang mungkin cuma sebatas klik ikon bintang, it means a lot buatku haha. makasih banyak sudah mengapresiasi karya abal-abalku. i know we don't really know each other but still, ily :D udah gitu aja sih, have a nice day y'all ♡ (kalo ada yang baca)

@matryoshcat and thank youuu sooo muchhh udah meluangkan waktunya menulis karya yang bagus dan menghibur... Sukses selalu thorr

@matryoshcat nooooooooooo you're a good writer thor... Tapi yaa itu keputusanmu aku bakal dukung trus Doa terbaik buat kamu thor, SEMANGAT TRRUSS!!!