
Hello nice to meet you!!Also Please it's a request from my side that all my nearest and dearest friends, followers and non-followers and those whom I have unfollowed recently if you are reading this bio then I ask you all to pray to God for the speedy recovery and for the well being of my dearest friend @Thatdepressedchic. She is sick and been hospitalised and is undergoing treatment. Please join us for her to show your love and support to her. 


PBB [Project Big Boss]
          Suda d up part 33 [Birthday Party]
          Cuplikan adegan Shelly n Arli :
          Suara Shelly tertahan dan matanya sudah kembali merah. Ketakutan Shelly membuat Arli bertanya, "Why Lily?"
          "Please..., don't," Shelly menggeleng dalam bibir yang gemetar. "Don't kill my mother and Ed,"
          "Ssssttt...," Arli menahan telunjuk tangannya di bibir Shelly. "I'm not serious Lily-ku, aku hanya menggertak tadi.., Aku tidak akan melakukan hal buruk pada mereka. I promise. You know that I always keep my promises, right?"
          Shelly mengangguk masih di atas tubuh Arli, "Yeah, I trust you."
          Yg mau baca klik tulisan di bawah ⬇ ini :