@mattersofcontent I love to hear that! And of course, it's such a well plotted out story and it's constantly keeping me intrigued so of course I had to let you know, since it's nice to be recognized :)
I'm currently in the process of reading Between The Lines and I can honestly say, it's one of the best books I've read/ am reading on here. You are crazy talented as a writer and author. I super love this book and can honestly say everytime you update will be extremely exciting!
@TheBritishInvasion I seriously do not understand how you guys can be so nice and supportive?!? (Even after my shitty update schedule). Like, oh my god you are so sweet and it makes me so happy that you like my story. I can't thank you enough, I'm going to try and update in the next couple of days. This seriously made my day, thank you xxx
Hi! I love your icon so much!! I can't find any photo of Harry like that!! :( But anyway, could you maybe do me a solid and read my Hazza story called The Matchmaker and maybe give feedback? Love yah! x