[ Griffin was laying against the wall, blood dripping from his head and mutipul cuts over his body, He had been walking threw an alley way when some kids had attacked him. He had tears dripping down his face. ]
@mattyzginger ;;
Kay ..
[ Griffin put his head down on the others shoulder before realizing he would get blood on him . ]
Sorry for getting blood on you ..
Crap...uh okay hold on.
[ Buzz carried him on his back. He wasn't surprised because he knew
what it was like to feel this pain. ]
I'll take you back to my place...
@mattyzginger ;;
[ Griffin looked up and shook his head slowly as to not have any more pain there. His words slurred as he spoke quietly . ]
Not really .. m'head hurts so much..
Buzz ? I don't feel well -
( Matt mumbled glancing towards the ginger , the two had been working on a project in class and Matt started to feel sick . )