
hey all. dm for disc, i'll give u it eventually. i don't miss this place


alright. officially inactive and any books you’re somehow still waiting on are discontinued. i don’t have motivation anymore. this app has become really hard to be on. i just can’t do it. message me ig. write on my mb ig. not like anyone’s going to see this anyway. i’ll still reply to comments and i do still write stuff but if you really care my discord is max_motif#2676 (if you think you recognize that tag, chances are you do.) for anyone who has forgotten who i am, it’s ReaperSCP or lure_mint_foxix. my name is max now. and i’ve gotten gradually worse. if anyone really wants it i’ll continue to work on stuff. it was and still is all a big passion project but my motivation has been completely lost. if you know why, you know why. thank you all for making this a great era of my life. but it’s time for me to move on. i’ll probably be completely inactive so if you care just,,, just message me or write on my mb i won’t see it otherwise. 
          i don’t really know what else to say so yeah.




iphone wattpad is weird. if i post a message on someone else's profile it shows on mine i cant even,, like what??? then you're like "oh i posted it in the wrong spot oops" and try to delete it and it whole ass says "message not found" like?????