
Hi everyone!
          	Sorry about the lengthy hiatus  I've been busy. Besides raising a baby, I've been preparing the first two books of the Unbreakable-trilogy for publishing. It really takes a long time to proofread (over and over again), edit and make it into the correct format for #selfpublishing. 
          	I have finally had the books delivered to my home and it was such a joy to hold them in my hands. I'm in the process of setting them up for sale right now, but the website is cooperating poorly with me atm. I'll let you know when they are up for sale if any of you are interested in owning a copy.
          	- Jo ✍


Hi everyone!
          Sorry about the lengthy hiatus  I've been busy. Besides raising a baby, I've been preparing the first two books of the Unbreakable-trilogy for publishing. It really takes a long time to proofread (over and over again), edit and make it into the correct format for #selfpublishing. 
          I have finally had the books delivered to my home and it was such a joy to hold them in my hands. I'm in the process of setting them up for sale right now, but the website is cooperating poorly with me atm. I'll let you know when they are up for sale if any of you are interested in owning a copy.
          - Jo ✍


          I'm extremely disappointed (and pissed off, to be honest) with Photobucket (an image hosting service). After having used the service for several years to upload photos in order to be able to post photos on forums and on places like these, they are now demanding payment to do so (400 dollars per year to be exact). That's money I'd rather use for something else. As a result, I have a horrible amount of broken image links to correct in The Unbreakable Series. 
          I've just finished fixing the images for "Surviving the Truth", but to correct all the ones in "A Beautiful Lie" will take a while. 
          *sigh* I also have chapter links in Snapshot that needs to be corrected. 
          Grrr… Not too impressed with you, Photobucket!


THANK. YOU. their are barely any  Roswell fanfiction on wattpad that haven't been completely abandoned so thank you for your dedication 


@INDIE_ALTERNATIVE - Thank you for your comment and for the follow! I'm still very much in love with "Roswell" since it captured my heart in -99, so as long as there are stories in my head that needs to be told, I'll tell them. And I'm not a very big fan of incomplete/abandoned fics myself so I wouldn't put my own readers through that.


Hi everyone!
          I'm sure no one has missed what's going on in Aleppo (Syria) right now; a nightmare sequel to the civil war they've endured since 2011. And recently (Monday to be exact), a hijacked truck drove straight into a German Christmas market, killing and wounding people. Earlier this year it was France, then Brussels, France again...
          As you have noticed, I'm at a very unfortunate place in "Unbreakable" now, with Max and Liz enduring some very gruesome things. To put it mildly, I'm having great difficulties writing war scenes right now with everything horrible happening in the world. Unfortunately, my instinct is telling me that the war between the aliens in "Unbreakable" needs to be horrible and raw to make the tale realistic and to live up to the story that has been told so far. So the horror needs to be written, I just have to see if it comes to me. Right now I'm drowning in real-life horror. I'm crying for the people in Syria. A trainee that works with me at work once a week is a refugee from Syria and told me a week ago that he's brother was just killed in a bomb (the brother had remained in Aleppo). I'm pending between losing hope in humanity and next regaining hope when I watch selfless acts being performed to save people. 
          To avoid adding more darkness to the world right now, there won't be an update before Christmas and probably not until the beginning of the next year. 
          I'm sorry if this disappoints you, that is not my intention. 
          Take care of yourself and your loved ones. You - all of my readers - hold a very special place in my heart.
          Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 
          (wishing for a good 2017)


Hi everyone!
          If you have read the latest chapter of "Unbreakable", you might find me incredibly mean for not posting the next chapter the week after (which is my regular updating schedule). But I promise you, I'm not trying to be mean. The next chapter is written and was sent to my editor almost a week ago. My editor is a busy woman and is helping me out without payment and in her spare time, so there are usually a lot of reasons why chapters might take a day or two (or more than that) to be returned to me for posting.
          In other words, just letting you know that chapter 107 of "Unbreakable" will be posted in the close future, so hang in there.
          Meanwhile, I'll be updating "Lethal Whispers".
          Have a wonderful Tuesday! (or Monday evening, which the case might be over in North America)
          - Jo


*ahum* Hey...
          So, there's no update this week because I'm trying to finish this photo book I've been working on (for the past 4 years to be honest - life has been busy  :oops: ) for my grandma's 90th birthday, which is at the end of October. With the time needed for it to be published and delivered back to me (from the US to Sweden), I'm guessing that I have to complete it before the end of this week to make the birthday deadline.
          Hence, writing has not been prioritized. I'm hoping that I'll be able to write something this week still though, since I have some more hours off work this week, but I'm not making any promises (don't want to get your hopes up). I'll be back soon, though. *That* I can promise.


@Lizmaxfan I'm working on it, I promise! Sorry :-( I have the day off work tomorrow, so I'm planning to do lots and lots of writing then. Thank you so much for letting me know :-)


My friend (and previous classmate from my veterinary class in Australia) is visiting me from Singapore. Which means that there is a lot of time spent on being a hostess and not so much time spent on writing. 
          However, I just emailed my editor the latest chapter of "Unbreakable", so hopefully it'll be returned to me soon and I can share it with you.
          Have a great day!


It's been almost a month since my last update, and I feel deeply ashamed about it. I can tell you over and over again how busy my life is, but in all honesty I don't think it's a good enough excuse. I really don't want to leave you this long. 
          I'm currently in the middle of the next chapter and I have another hour before I have to head for work, so hopefully I'll be able to complete that one today (and then it just needs to be edited). And soon, my fiancé will be going away for a week, which means that I'll have a lot of "time to kill" and I'll hopefully have the chance to back up on a lot of chapters. So, hopefully this hurdle will soon be conquered and we can get on with Max and Liz's lives :roll:


Hi everyone!
          It's been sunny. It's been warm. The summer has come to Sweden. Which means bicycle rides, hanging on the beach, and planting vegetables. 
          I currently have four jobs. Two jobs on 50%, one job on 20% and one on hours. How does this work (since those percentage add up to about 130% work employment)? It doesn't really. I'm a bit tired. And short on hours.
          And everyone seems to have birthday parties around this time of the year. Gaaah! Not even my nights are free :roll:
          On top of this, I just got engaged (yay!) which means that life is generally really really really good. And really really really busy.
          So... Where does that leave my writing? A sentence here and there, I'm afraid. I'm almost done with the next chapter. I just need an "ending" to the chapter. Which I'm trying to put together now, before heading of to the clinic and my patients. Hence, my plan is to have an update for you soon.
          I hate that you have to wait. I hate that I don't have time to write. Because this story really wants to be written and I love to share it with you.
          Hang in there. I love you :D