
Some of y'all have been asking where I've been, basically, I've had a month-long writer's block. I've written and rewritten chapter 20 so many times but I've never been happy with the finished product. That being said, it is finally coming out in a couple of days and I'm aiming towards finishing the story before August, so expect more regular updates. Thank you all for the constant love and support <33


@maxipaws I'm exciteddddd take your time can't wait <33


@maxipaws but ilym lalalalalaaaa <3


Okay this is so weird to post here but i’m posting it on every larry account im following  but i have to know the name of a book i read at max 2-3 years ago but at least 1 1/2 ago and it was a larry book but it was liam niall (possibly zayn i really can’t remember) in a band with either harry or louis but im 90% sure it was harry and louis and harry met somewhere blah blah blah but basically in one of the chapters they were making a music video and it was basically like the Girls/Girls/Boys music video but it was like hand coming out and touching them from behind and whatever but I must know the name  of this asap thank you thank you thank you


Some of y'all have been asking where I've been, basically, I've had a month-long writer's block. I've written and rewritten chapter 20 so many times but I've never been happy with the finished product. That being said, it is finally coming out in a couple of days and I'm aiming towards finishing the story before August, so expect more regular updates. Thank you all for the constant love and support <33


@maxipaws I'm exciteddddd take your time can't wait <33


@maxipaws but ilym lalalalalaaaa <3


When you posting next chapter 0-0


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@Hecate28 damn you're so fucking great <333


@maxipaws imma drop everything I’m doing to read it when it comes out