
Hiii!! What have I missed? 


well guys, she asked me to update y’all on her message board, but April can’t login to her account for some reason so she hasn’t been able to do anything here for awhile :( 
          She’s tryna fix it but it may take awhile or this account might never be used again :0 


To everyone that follows April and has enjoyed her stories for so long, I’m sorry to say but until she figures out what the problem is, this account won’t be used anymore :(( I’m sad honestly


Update: theres no solution :0 SHE CANT GET BACK IN NOOOO


It’s been so long my friends. I will admit that I completely forgot about this account and my books which is sort of a shame because of the amount of effort and time I spent writing all my work. I don’t know if I’ll ever continue writing any of the stories I have now. It makes me happy to see the amount of people still reading my stories but I’m sorry that I don’t know if I’ll continue them. For one, I have forgotten basically a large majority of the ideas I previously had and I don’t know if I can continue the story in the same way I wanted to and my writing may seem more different to how it begun initially. Sorry about this guys, maybe I’ll come back to it someday but right now I have a lot going on and I don’t really have the time to continue on this account. I’m really sorry.