
Updating all of my stories this week. Which one do you want first?


I know it has been forever since I've updated. I'm so sorry! College has been a little stressful and then I hit some writers block and got a bit discouraged. However I am working on updates and I can promise to have a new chapter of unexpected out by the end of the weekend. Out story will have an update by Wednesday of next week at the latest. I am also working on a new story right now and have thought about putting the first chapter up soon as a thank you to you all for being so patient with me. Since I have 2 other stories I am working on I cannot promise regular updates though. So comment on this and tell me if you want me to go ahead and upload it or not. Other than that thanks for being so pateint with me. I love you all and see you soon.


Updates coming on unexpected and Our story either tomorrow or Thursday for sure! Sorry to be late again. Hope you all don't hate me lol. Good news is things are finally getting back to normal so updates shouldn't be late anymore. Thank you for your support! 


hey can you do me a huge favor and check out my book accidentally on purpose? It's about Lucaya and I would appreciate it if you would check it out thank you


Of course! I'm sorry to be so slow on the reply. I'm super busy right now. I will be on here a lot soon though. I will definitely check it out!


So sorry my chapter of unexpected is late. This has been my first week of college! I am so excited and have loved every minute but it has kept me busy. The next chapter is typed halfway through. I'll get through it today or tomorrow (depending on when I get my paper done that's due). Thank you for the support! Never imagined I'd get 15k reads. It means more than you know!


Hey guys! Just wanted you to know that I have set up a kik account! If any of you ever need someone to talk to, ever want to give me requests for my stories, or need advice I'm there. The username is the same (Maya_penelope) and the profile pictures are the same as well!