
just wanted to address the apparent rumors that i am a ‘dranti’ now, i do not follow the dream smp anymore neither do i have opinions on any of the creators from it. it was for sure an amazing time whilst it lasted, but now ive just moved on, as people do. no negativity on here, just stories told for a bit of fun ! 


@mywshere real i have moved on from the fandom and i don’t watch any of them anymore but lord your books were heavenly when i was in it


@mywshere me too girl i’m not in my phase anymore but the books are fire so i still read them


@mywshere i moved passed the dsmp but ill keep my folders of dsmp books i found since some of them are really good, im not anti just fell out of love for it, glad someone feels the same way here


HI :)! I hope you're having a good day.
          A while ago I read "clocks" and I loved it. I was wondering, could you let me translate the fanfic into Spanish? If you don't let me I will understand, but if you let me you will <3. Have a nice day 


is clocks is still happening? it’s the only reason i check wattpad anymore because it’s my all time favorite book even though i’m not in the fandom anymore, no pressure to keep writing but will the story continue? or is it going to stay there and end?


@petethecatscumsock hey!! i’m def not may lol but i truthfully don’t think so. the last time they updated was very rushed and it’s been a while and i really don’t believe there ever will be. it is also my favorite series ive ever read, and has genuinely moved me. may is one of the most talented writers ive ever encountered, and i hope one day clocks will be picked back up and finished.


just wanted to address the apparent rumors that i am a ‘dranti’ now, i do not follow the dream smp anymore neither do i have opinions on any of the creators from it. it was for sure an amazing time whilst it lasted, but now ive just moved on, as people do. no negativity on here, just stories told for a bit of fun ! 


@mywshere real i have moved on from the fandom and i don’t watch any of them anymore but lord your books were heavenly when i was in it


@mywshere me too girl i’m not in my phase anymore but the books are fire so i still read them


@mywshere i moved passed the dsmp but ill keep my folders of dsmp books i found since some of them are really good, im not anti just fell out of love for it, glad someone feels the same way here


I saw someone on Twitter say that mywshere is a dranti does anyone know like where that came from of something cuz I didn’t find stuff about it from the tweet 


@Livingperson123  I’ve moved on from the SMP a long time ago (pfp aside I’ve just been lazy to change it), what allegations are going on rn? I’ve heard one or two things flying around abt them but I haven’t gotten a chance to actually find out what they were 


May liked a few negative tweets about dream. If they are an anti I mean it’s completely understandable considering the allegations going on rn, however I do hope that they continue writing regardless. May really has a talent for it!!