
@AhsokaJackson from what I've seen you're no where near mean XD Definitely! Movies are too short :( when they missed out some scenes from the book in The Hunger Games movie so many people(me included) went mad :/ series are quite good but sometimes they get goddamn awful actors & it just ruins it :( My boyfriend loves Avatar: The Last Airbender!! He always talks about it & I'm just there like .-. Cos I've never watched it /.\ I mean, an episode here & there when I was little but /.\


@AhsokaJackson from what I've seen you're no where near mean XD Definitely! Movies are too short :( when they missed out some scenes from the book in The Hunger Games movie so many people(me included) went mad :/ series are quite good but sometimes they get goddamn awful actors & it just ruins it :( My boyfriend loves Avatar: The Last Airbender!! He always talks about it & I'm just there like .-. Cos I've never watched it /.\ I mean, an episode here & there when I was little but /.\


@AhsokaJackson great minds think alike XD the series is amazing!! Obviously I'm only on the second book but I'm hooked!! So good!! I agree, it would make a great movie or series!! Although I know I would be picky & something wouldn't be right; I was extremely picky when The Hunger Games came out in cinemas for the first time, I ranted for weeks on end XD 


@meowitscatk Heh, I'm like that myself - - I'm a perfectionist, very detail-oriented, and not the easiest person to please or impress. (Not that I'm mean, lol.) 
            Really, I think it's probably better to convert a book into a television series instead, and then maybe make a movie to cover events past where the book itself ends. Trying to fit all the great moments and your characters' journeys - - mental and physical - - into just 90 or so minutes just seems like a really tall order.
            It kind of reminds me of how people hated the live-action "Avatar: The Last Airbender" movie. I hadn't watched the TV series before, so didn't get why people disliked the movie so. After watching some of the series, I realized that they were trying to cram a lot of material into a short time limit, and probably left out a lot of great stuff.


@AhsokaJackson no worries! Your comments on The Monster Files never fail to make me chuckle! :') ❤️


@meowitscatk Ha, glad to hear it! ^^ I actually noticed your votes for "Truth & Consequences" on your profile, and was going to bring it up, but you beat me to it. :D
            Both books are favorites of mine, and I can't wait for the next installment in the series! Plus, I think they'd make great movies, although I know it's hard to make a movie that lives up to the book it's based on.