
Any teen wolf fans? Please go read my teen wolf preference book! Thanks 


Has anyone seen The Scorch Trials yet? I know it doesn't come out in America u yuk the 18th but in England it came out on the tenth. I was just wondering if anyone's seen it


Yes he was I died every time he was on screen @lukehemmo2002


Yas it was amaze OMG Thomas Sangster waz perf 


You've met Thomas ... I ... wha-
          And 3 times?!? HOW- no, no. It's cool. 
          It's cool ... TELL ME EVERYTHING


No problem!! And yeah bumping into him made one of those trips worth it! And thank you so much!


@Zoey_Sangster Thank you so, so much!!! I'll check it out rn! And well yeah I can see how that's not so fun in the long run... but like... things like bumping into Thomas Brodie-freakin'-Sangster must make it kinda worth it right?? And the Lyceum theater?!! Yeah I've heard of it, holy cra- that's HUGE, again congratulations!! I went to Apollo Victoria last year, but omg we almost ended up at Lyceum!!


Hah my life if eventful, eventful meaning always having to move around and travel everywhere. It's not fun doing that.
            But thank you so much!!! And the theater I preformed at was The Lyceum theatre  in London. Have you heard of it? 
            And of course I will share the tips he gave me! They seem like any old tips but they really help. Especially if you really focus on them and keep thinking about them. Check your private message for the tips! @akwardhalf-blood