
You know what? Screw it. I'm just going to write Hetalia fanfiction from now on.
          	Goodbye Magic_Animal_Author and Minecraft fanfiction, hello to something I won't actually fall out of love with.


I know everyone is probably confused about whether or not I am actually active, so I am going to make something clear now. 
          I will log onto this account, but I will no longer be writing, so in that sense I'm inactive. I will, however, soon start writing for the Danganronpa fandom on AO3 alongside the magnificent @Minecraft_aka_Maddie (who my older followers should know is pretty much my online twin). I'll send out a notice with the username for that account once our first fic is online and that username will stay permanently in my bio. Now, Maddie is just finishing her summer break whereas I have barely started mine, so there should be fairly regular updates on that account until about a week into September, when I'll be back at school and starting two years of GCSE courses. So after summer there will likely be delays in posting on that account but we will try our best! 
          It has been over two years since I started this account and I'm very happy with what I've done on here. Who knows, I might pop back next April when the anniversary comes around, but until the AO3 username announcement, so long and goodnight, friends.
          --Dragon, Crimson, Ingrid and everyone else 


Ok.. I'll admit, I've been a terrible author recently. I haven't been online and I definitely haven't been writing anything on here. I ran out of inspiration for some of my stories a very long time ago, so here's the plan.
          I'm going to delete a book or two. Definitely the third in my main series, as it is unfinished and I'm hugely unlikely to ever complete it. Unless I change my mind, the other books will stay and hopefully continue. Once I am back on track, I may start a new main series, and you can definitely expect Red Roses And Glasses to be finished when February comes around. OBVIOUSLY the dares book will continue (seriously, you think I'd abandon that?).
          Relaying back to the deletion of A Dark Force Rises, if anybody is majorly desperate to know how it ends I will message you and tell you some rough ideas I had for it. If you want to take it and adapt it into your own book, you may also do that. 
          For now, though, I am active and starting to brainstorm some more ideas. Within the next month or two, I promise there will be an update of some kind, maybe even before the year is up if I really work hard. 
          Again, I'm sorry, and again, thank you for being patient xxx


@Magic_Animal_Author maybe i can make it?? I really like your ideas on how the minecraft world would work and stuff and i freaking love stampy 