Hello, everybody! I am holding a contest for my book The Hanyou's, which is my Inuyasha and Kagome fanfiction.
It is a cover contest and anybody can participate. The rules are simple, the cover must have my name and the story title (which I probably will change so if you have a story title idea please let me know) and you can dm me the cover you make. I post all of the covers with your username and the readers all vote. Contestants can also vote but be warned, I am going through all of the comments double checking that everything is fine. My vote is 5 points, readers are 2 points, and contestants are 3 points. I might also change that, but for now, it stays. The reward is that I use your cover, dedicate the next chapter to you, and have a shout out on the details of my story for you thanking you for your cover.
Thank you all and may the odds be ever in your favor!!!!