
Hello again, everyone! I’ve been really procrastinating this final chapter of Starhoppers hahaha but I’m happy to announce it’s almost complete! I almost don’t want to be done writing this story, but I know I’ll spend a lot of time going back to revise and rewrite sections in the future. Thank you (and sorry!) to anyone who reads this who may have been around for earlier chapter releases. I’ll make an announcement soon once the final chapters are released!


@mbruckner Sorry for coming across the last couple chapters so late, but I'm happy to have read them, and can't wait for what might be coming next :)


Hello again, everyone! I’ve been really procrastinating this final chapter of Starhoppers hahaha but I’m happy to announce it’s almost complete! I almost don’t want to be done writing this story, but I know I’ll spend a lot of time going back to revise and rewrite sections in the future. Thank you (and sorry!) to anyone who reads this who may have been around for earlier chapter releases. I’ll make an announcement soon once the final chapters are released!


@mbruckner Sorry for coming across the last couple chapters so late, but I'm happy to have read them, and can't wait for what might be coming next :)


I’m very happy to announce the release of Chapter 29 of Starhoppers! With this new chapter finished, I only have one left. Be sure to leave comments as you read, if you’d like!
          As a note, I may or may not include an epilogue; if I do, it will be posted at the same time as the final chapter, so keep an eye out for that!


@mbruckner Woohoo! Congratulations on getting to the end :) Well, penultimate end.


Chapter 28 of Starhoppers is published! It’s a bit of a longer chapter, but I think you will enjoy it. Be sure to leave comments and votes if you’d like, as they help me greatly. (Especially comments!)
          I’ll post more updates as I wrap up my work on Chapter 29 and beyond. Thanks again for those of you showing continuous support! 


After another extended delay, I am happy to announce that I’m finally wrapping up another chapter of Starhoppers. After Chapter 28, I plan to release only three more chapters. The last two will likely be published at the same time. Keep your eyes open, as I’ll be posting 28 in the next day or so!


@slicedbread103 writing is complete! Proofreading and adding some finishing touches now. The chapter should be posted sometime in the morning, if not before I go to sleep!


@mbruckner Another great chapter to look forward to!


An important note for those of you reading Starhoppers: I altered some very minor plot details to better fit the pacing I wanted for the story. Chapter 26 might not make total sense unless you’ve read the changes I’ve made to Chapters 17 and 25. You should be able to piece together what happened by reading the end of Chapter 25 again, though (or simply message me if this matters to you and I’ll give you a brief explanation of the change)! Sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you enjoy the newest chapter!


Chapter 26 of Starhoppers is finally posted, so be sure to check it out whenever you have a chance!


@slicedbread103 yep, no worries, the current state of Chapter 26 was the reason for the minor adjustments to the previous parts. There should hopefully be no more major plot revisions moving forward, at least not until after I finish the final chapter! I’m glad you enjoyed the latest chapter, by the way!


@mbruckner no worries! Looks like I'll have a bit of rereading to do, also I really like the twists you had in the new chapter so I hope it won't have to be changed!


@slicedbread103 thank you again for all the support! I decided a little while ago to rewrite Chapter 26 entirely to better fit the pacing I wanted for the story. I’m hoping it won’t be another two months before the next one is published. Still looking at about 30 chapters total, I’d say!