
Go check out the latest update on my story has concert pics and one of the cutest things I’ve seen!!!!! Watch for an update soon too!!!


Update on my concert crisis, ya girl is going to see Bg this Friday!!!! I got general admission tickets and it’s first come first serve on seats so hoping I get good ones. If anybody wants snaps from the concert message me your username and I’ll add you. Spam y’all with the finest man country music has ever seen!! I’m super excited this is my second time seeing him but I’m psyched cause he’s probably going to play new music!!!!!


@mccreerian_Bgnation  OMG yessssss I would love some pics of the most sexy man of country!!!!


Y’all I’m pretty bummed I was going to go see Brantley, Justin Moore, Ashley McBride, and Josh Phillips this Friday at a festival and now nobody can go with me and I’m not gonna be able to go cause I don’t wanna go by myself ya know. I’ve literally had this planned since November  my friends suck I’ve even offered to pay for people’s tickets if they go with me and nobody wants to/ can go so I’m big pissed off lol anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk. I may go cry not sure yet ‍♀️


@mccreerian_Bgnation Wish I could go with you! Go and have some fun! You earned it and you deserve to rock out once in a while!


Guys I started watching hart of Dixie and I can’t stop like for real  it’s a problem 


I’ve been watching it for like two weeks and I’m already almost half way through the 4th season it soooooppo good 


That show is one of my all time favorites! I watched the whole show, yet I still go back and rewatch it just because I love it. I won’t spoil it for you, but it gets better and better the further in you watch. I’m obsessed and now I wanna watch it all again. Lol


          So y’all I had a shitty ass New Years so if anybody wants to get their good charity act in for the new year bring yourself over to my messages here and let me rant to you and try not to judge me like all my “friends” did I need some advice 


If you ever need to talk or rant anytime, feel free to message me.


GUESS WHO GOT TICKETS TO SEE BRANTLEY FREAKING GILBERT AND JOSH PHILLIPS AGAIN FOR CHRISTMAS bless my momma I swear y’all. I bought tickets and saw him last summer but my momma bought me tickets and all day pit passes to see them at a festival this summer y’all I cried. But MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL I LOVE YA AND LOOK FOR AN UPDATE ON MY CHASE RICE BOOK TODAY


Omg, so lucky! I’ve not seen him in concert but I really want to, really bad. 


Wow so lucky! I wish he’d get his sexy asse to England and play #Sigh# a girl can dream @mccreerian_Bgnation


I had all intentions of updating “he made a broken women whole again” for tall but then my bestfriend and I got into thanksgiving leftovers and wine ....... it’s been a good ass nihgt and it’s inspired me to write a holiday chapterrrrrr stay tuned I love you guys sm