
@DovahOfMirkwood hahaha I know.  


@AzulaVernis I know what you mean when i first went intoy new classroom everyone was like "anime...thats cartoons right?" And i just facepalm so hard! but there was this girl in the class next to mine who was interested in anime too and im just like "YEEEEEESSSSS!!!.I NO LONER NO MORE!!!!!!"


I love meeting other people who are actually otakus when you never would have guessed they were, happened to me in history class, we were told to give a password to the teacher that only we know so he could put our marks on the billboard in class and no one else would know who's who, I put RASENGAN!! Down and when he showed the passwords on the scream one girl started fangirling, she's one of the people most would consider a prep but she's really awesome and we became fast friends, now we compare how hot kakashi is and we freaked out our fellow classmates when we randomly broke down crying when we talked about jirayia dying. Otakus are always fun.