
im really missing the delinquents today </3


ok so im sure you all know whats going on with bob currently. 
          personally, I am not going to fully stop stanning bob. not until I hear his side and get the facts. about arryns accusations. I just cant straight up believe her until I hear bobs side. im sorry if you disagree with me, but weve been stanning bob for so long that I think he deserves a chance to stick up for himself. also, please dont tell bob to kill himself. he already suffers with depression and thats just inhumane.


@TurquoiseOilLady Yes I very much hope they get lawyers involved and figure everything out, I just want whats best for bob and eliza and arryn, and I dont understand why there always has to be drama.


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          what the FUCK did I just watch???
          - so bellamy made the first move on echo, totally ooc and I also did not need to see that
          -  octavia said "youre my family too" to Echo. first off, that is BELLARKES LINE not for echo. second, echo has tried to kill octavia and co multiple times and o just forgets that??
          -lastly, why is everyone so set on bellamy being dead? I dont see a body! literally how can they be sure?
          so who wants to murder jason with me? id prefer hitting him with a bus but im fine with anything that makes him suffer :)