
How art thou? Soliloquy at the End of the World is now about to reach the rising action! 
          	Simon, along with the two weirdos is now planning to start the investigation of the infamous cold case. What awaits them in Hawaii? Will it be solved or will there be a part 2 of the crime?


How art thou? Soliloquy at the End of the World is now about to reach the rising action! 
          Simon, along with the two weirdos is now planning to start the investigation of the infamous cold case. What awaits them in Hawaii? Will it be solved or will there be a part 2 of the crime?


          How art thou doest? Perhaps ye wonder why mine self updates sluggardly. Answered I not verbose: thy churl works on his life and another story so profound.
          I shall bestow another story unto thee, for I am very glad could I share, regards not how many can see: Love in Autumn!
          This is an elegiac story about an old widow who accidentally regressed back to his youth. He was so happy that he gets to see his dead wife again but he found out, she does not exist in that timeline. What he gonna do?