
@ScarletStarLight sure i'll read your book comment and tell every one about it if you do the same for mine.


Thank you for fanning me. it really means alot to me. and looking at how many fans i have makes me think about what there thinking.. which may be this "MAN WHAT TAKES THIS GIRL SO LONG TO UPLOAD!?!?!?! SHES GOT ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT!!!!!she better upload soon or im gonna go random ranting..."
          LOL RANDOM RANTing
          do other ppl do it
          or is it just me...


Hi I'm Emmie. Well I am here to ask the normal, will you read one of my stories. Also I will return the favor {Just message me}. 
          Okay some stories that I have that you might like are Mars {My newest one, you might not like it if you don't know who 30 seconds to Mars are}, So I was eating Spaghetti when IT all happened {A teen fiction, romance, fantasy but it's not your normal fantasy}, and Blood Court {An action pack story with vampires and guns}. 
          I hope you check one of them out. Well have a wonderful day!